Professional Identity Crisis by Andrea Tomo
In a professional world that is quicklytransforming and becoming increasingly volatile and uncertain, the nature ofprofessional identity is complex and dynamic. The current literature hasoverlooked many issues concerning how professionals react and behave in theface of threats to their identity and image and there is a lack of a systemicanalysis of the phenomenon of professional identity crisis. This book contends that a fullcomprehension of the dynamics taking place is now paramount from the individualperspective and provides a new theoretical and practical approach to theanalysis and interpretation of these issues. Providing a novel understanding,the book delivers an empirical case to explore professionals' reactions in acontext characterised by a sharp de-professionalisation pattern and ever-expandingregulation, uncertainty, and external pressures, which constrain and mould accountants' professional boundaries and activities. This book will prove a usefulread to researchers across organisation studies, as well as interestedprofessionals.
Call Number: 650.14019 TOM
ISBN: 9781787698079
Publication Date: 2019-07-08