Kinship Care by Ramona Denby
' Dr. Denby has given the practice community an invaluable gift. This text provides detailed insight and compelling content like no other relative torudiments, nuances, and innovations of kinship care.' ' Keith A. Alford, PhD, School of Social Work, Syracuse University ' Comprehensive, descriptive, and instructive' this book is clear and thoughtful and offers practical insight along with scholarly acumen. A wonderfuladdition to the child welfare literature.' ' Ruby M. Gourdine, DSW, LICSW, School of Social Work, Howard University ' With this book, Dr. Denby makes a significant contribution to the field by assisting child welfare practitioners in using relationship-building models tosupport kinship families.' ' Peter J. Pecora, PhD, School of Social Work, University of Washington Kinship care is one of the most prevalent forms of placement used for maltreated children and youths. This book is the first to provide a systematic andtheory-informed approach to preparing caregivers and practitioners for the vital role they play in the lives of abused and neglected children. Childwelfare students and practitioners will learn evidence-based practice and policy strategies that foster attachment, identity, and belongingness inchildren, enabling the children to reconnect and establish important relationships and social supports that are vital to their development. Case examplesthroughout the text illustrate the practical application of strategies and policy approaches. KEY FEATURES: Presents an evidence-based, relationship-building framework for achieving the major child welfare goals of protection, permanency, and well-being Considers political, social, cultural, and economic contexts Addresses varied options for kinship relationships Provides discussion questions, activities, and case examples to enhance learning
Call Number: 362.70973 DEN
ISBN: 9780826125323
Publication Date: 2015-12-15